développement de l'apprentissage au Malawi
Posté le Samedi 08 Août 2015 à 09:03 par JacquesPerrin (3241 lectures)
The Government of the Republic of Malawi has received a credit facility from the World Bank towards the Skills Development Project (SDP). The objective of the SDP is to increase access, market relevance and result orientation of supported skills development institutions in agreed priority areas. The Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) Authority is one of five participating institutions, and TEVET Improvement Plan (TIP) is part of SDP, and aims at increasing access to employment-oriented skills development programmes in rural areas; broadening the range of market-relevant programmes at technician level in priority areas in partnership with employers and industry; improving the capacity for quality assurance in the TEVET system and conducting impact evaluation to test the effectiveness of alternative interventions. The TIP partners are Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Labour, TEVET Authority and TEVET Institutions. As part of preparations for the TIP there is need to review the TEVET Apprenticeship System. The current apprenticeship system is centrally managed by TEVET Authority who are responsible for recruitment and placement of pre-apprentices to private and public institutions, and coordinating both institution and industry-based training. Annually an average of 1,200 school leavers with Malawi School Certificate of Education are selected for placement into regulated apprenticeship program which account for an average 20% of the college capacity, 80% being filled by trainees on parallel programs which are unregulated. This makes the whole apprenticeship system difficult to manage as a result. The apprenticeship system has over the years faced a number challenges at both demand and supply sides including management of different parallel national TEVET curricula, management and implementation of assessment and certification processes, delivery of TEVET curriculum, infrastructure development and industry participation. These challenges have resulted in inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the apprenticeship system that require improvement.
Purpose of the Consultancy The overall purpose of this consultancy is to review the current situation in TEVET Apprenticeship in Malawi and best practices in other countries, and propose an efficient, equitable and responsive TEVET Apprenticeship System in Malawi capable of producing sufficient and competitive labour force. Specifically the consultancy is aimed at providing recommendations/proposals to the following specific questions: i. how to ensure increased participation of private sector to open up for apprenticeships, ii. how to improve assessment and certification of apprenticeship programmes., iii. how to ensure that skills learned through apprenticeship elsewhere are better aligned with Malawi TEVET qualification framework, iv. how to measure impact of apprenticeship (i.e. Skills learned, employment outcomes, v. how to ensure equity (access of the poor) to apprenticeship, vi. how to improve stakeholder commitment and participation. Scope of Work To meet the purpose of the assignment, the consultant shall undertake a Situational Analysis on the following key tasks and make recommendations: i. Review the assessment and certification systems of apprentice able occupations in Malawi; ii. Conduct institutional capacity assessment of TEVET providers, quality assurance bodies, assessment and awarding bodies in relation to the Apprenticeship System in Malawi; iii. Assess the participation of industry in apprenticeship system in Malawi; iv. Conduct a comparative study with other countries within Africa and beyond on best practices in the apprenticeship system from recruitment through training to certification. Expected outputs/deliverables The main output of the assignment is a proposed efficient and responsive TEVET Apprenticeship System. Specific outputs are as follows: (a) Inception report, including detailed methodology and time schedule (b) Situation Analysis Report; (c) Consultative stakeholder workshop Report (d) Apprenticeship system review report (e) Recommendations and detailed proposal for the Malawi apprenticeship system reform Timeframe for the Consultancy The assignment will be implemented over a period of 2 months
Adresser directement un CV à serge.coussement@skynet.be