St Vincent and the Grenadines human development

Posté le Samedi 22 Décembre 2018 à 12:50 par JacquesPerrin (1600 lectures)

St Vincent and the Grenadines human development service delivery projet, consultancy for strengthening leadership and accountability
Appel à candidats pour une mission qui convient particulièrement aux inspecteurs de l’éducation.
Les candidats doivent cependant maitriser l’anglais.
The spécific objectives of this consultancy are to :
  • Develop a certificated, competency based training in instructional leadership for school leaders. The training programme will be based on professionnal standards outlined in the OECS report on "proposed leadership standards, performance, indicators and guidelines and recommandations for professionnal developpement". The training will include elements of instructional leadership and the use of datas in planning, mamagement, monitoring, reporting and the effective Schools initiative.
  • Develop capacity for MOE to continue to deliver training on an ongoing basis.
  • Adapt the handbook developed under the GPE project for use by secondary school principals and others in leadership roles to guide scholl leadership and management.
  • Provide capacity building training for school inspection officer and education officers with a focus on monitoring and evaluation.
  • Review/revise tool to be used for the appraisal of school leaders.
  • Design a mentoring programme for new scholl leaders, wich can be implemented by the MOE.
Les termes de référence sont  à demander à :
Serge Coussement 
Directeur d'Education Management Europe
Rue du Nouveau Monde, 470
7700 Mouscron - Belgique
Tel.: 32 56 840182
 En se référent imprétativement à IESF.