Mission au Soudan

Posté le Samedi 11 Novembre 2017 à 19:43 par JacquesPerrin (2252 lectures)

Voir rubrique "appels d'offre"

  1. Background:-

The Republic of The Sudan has received a grant funds from the Transition Support Facility "TSF" of the African Development Fund to finance the Capacity Building for Improved Quality of the Education System and Skills Development Project. The project is situated in three States: Khartoum, Northern Kordofan and the White Nile. The project is expected to operate from June 2015 through Dec 2020.

The project has three (3) components as stated here below:


  1. Component (1): support to Capacity Building for Improved Quality of Education System;
  2. Component (2): Improving the Teaching and Training Conditions in the TVE Institutions and
  3. Component (3): Project Management.


The government has determined to modernize the civil service in a manner that will accord with both the democratic and technological demands of our global society .Yet the civil service still has very long way to go and several hurdles to cross.

One of the hurdles is the urgent need to transcend its own internal dynamics that has constituted a self-imposed restriction on its progress in the heart of this modernizing imperative is the search for critical vision and strategic framework that would redeem the civil service from itself.

This reform is therefore meant as a capacity building effort and its agenda is motivated by the need to have better policy formulation and implementation management in the public sector .This essentially requires developing the skills and performance of both individuals and institutions to evolve round the need to improve service delivery to the citizens.

This task is shouldered by the National Council for Training (NCT). Which is carrying this role through three levels of training:-

  • National Training.
  • Departmental Training.
  • On-the – job training.

The NCT prepares annually the National Plan for Training, which is formulated through a long process of consultations with different ministries and department yet the NCT faces several challenges and Impediments which are:-

  1.  Lack of awareness and understanding of concept and importance in both public and private sectors.
  2. In adequate funding.
  3. Lack of modern training equipment.
  4. Lack of synergy amongst training institutions.
  5. Setting – up of libraries and access to data –bases.
  6.   Effective liaison between the NCT and other institution including          STATES.

To overcome these impediments and to improve the situation that enables the NCT to achieve the goals of training and to enhance its quality the council decided this technical assistance   project.


  1. Goals of the technical assistance Project:


The aims of the technical assistance are to fulfill the following:

  1. Conduct a diagnostic study of current training plan and the methodology being used.
  2. Develop a new methodology and anew training plan including a capacity building programme to strengthen NCT management and key technical staff.
  3. Develop resources mobilization plan including a national workshop for partnership development and fund-raising.

Purpose of the Project:

The Project will achieve these goals by identifying specific factors that impact the quality of training and will put forth strategies for programme enhancement and policy change.

Guiding Principles:

The technical assistance aims to provide support to the NCT to identify the major training needs, to develop the national training plan and identifies critical capacity building activities so as to enable the council to achieve its mission. This will be completed by organizing a national fund raising workshop and partnership development. This workshop will engage in an open and transparent process where collective vision of research goals and objective are shared and where the roles and expectation of the stakeholders (ministers, states, donor, private sector,) are clearly understood. Hence the technical assistance will be collaborative and equitable partnership where all stakeholders (ministers, state, donors, private sector ….) roles are clearly understood, individual and collective skill sets to meaningfully and mutually work towards the  national vision (training and capacity building) .

That will involve data collection, analysis interpretation process that honors the lived experience and knowledge of all.


  1. Scope of the consultants work:


  1. Ability to conduct a diagnostic approach of the current training plan and the methodology being used.
  2. Develop a new methodological framework and a new training plan.
  3. Develop resources mobilization plan including a fund rising workshop.
  4. Organize a workshop to solicit financial assistance from external donors to create a national fund for supporting training in the Sudan.
  5. The consultant shall review the interactive States and national training modules and materials, develop plan and organize a national workshop and advise NCT as well as its service providers on awareness programmers and related materials.
  6. Advise NCT, States, Private Sector as well as other service providers with regards to awareness raising programmers, and related awareness materials to be development by NCT.
  7. Review interactive training modules and materials aiming at enhancing capacity building and promote effectiveness.
  8. Provide recommendations on regional and international technical assistance resources.



The consulting firm should carry direct contacts with (stakeholders) in all the country through surveys interviews questionnaires and documentary analyses.

  • Participants to workshop are about 250 including TOTs. Governors, NGOs international embassies , private sectors , banker and person with advance experience as trainers in the relevant training fields.
  • Selection of Participants: They are selected by the NCT based on pre-established criteria.
  • Logistics and equipment's: The project will provide all necessary equipment, computers, projector, flipchart, office supplies and other materials at the request of the consultant in order to ensure efficient completion of the project.
  • Working language: English and Arabic.
  • Training Materials: The firm will ensure printing of all materials for training.
  • Specific expertise: The firm will include experts, national consults to provide consultations on legal issues related to national legal framework management and other issues if needed.
  • Organization Setting:

Role and Responsibility of all teams:

  • Roles and responsibility differ among players based on principles of equality, empowerment, capacity building and collective vision about the project.
  • The firm will work under the direct supervision of the Secretary General (NCT).
  • Consultancy firm:
  • The consultancy team will include a team leader and individual experts who will participate in all aspects of the technical assistance taking into account individuals and organizational capacities (Skills available, human and other resource). The firm will conduct data collection, meetings, learning exchange activities, the diagnostic, provide suggestions and feed backs on the methodology and provide –a detailed framework on the new methodology and training plan (technical and financial). It will organize draft and finalize the resources mobilization plan and organize the national workshop for partnership and fund raising.


  • Input:

The principle Player (NCT Secretary General):

The (N.C.T. /S.G) will provide leadership in every aspect of the project with support from research partners. This includes overseeing the entire project, coordinating research team activities managing the budget, reporting to funders, supervising staff and ensuring the dissemination of research findings.

  •  (NCT) will provide the consultant with the necessary available information and materials for the fulfillment of tasks and will facilitate the necessary meetings.
  • The NCT will supervise the whole process and make sure that the deliverable are achieved in time
  • NCT- Staff:
  • The NCT Staff responsibilities include providing team building (facilitating meetings and learning exchange, liaising with individual team members) Coordinating project administrative activities (eg. Minutes, agendas, coordinating outreach to service providers and key informants. Staff will also oversee the transcripts and delivery of the key outputs of the consultation.


Indicators to evaluate the consultant's performance:

  1. The quality and timely delivery of all required tasks as provided for in this terms of reference so as to ensure successful development of the training plan, the hosting of the workshop and the presentation of the final training modules and materials (recommendations) to the NCT.
  2. The submission of methodological approach for the mission and progressive reports summarizing the services providing and progress made.
  3. Submission of reports including the final comprehensive report as provided for in this term of reference.


Contract and Duration:

The duration of the mission is estimated at five (5) months and the successful candidate should be able to take up duties as soon as the contract is signed.

Duty Station:

Khartoum with travel to other selected States.